Business Brief December 2011

Posted in Business
01/12/2011 Level One

Giving you the facts to help you in your next move forward

What’s the difference between price and value?

You are looking to buy a small business. You see something you are interested in: right industry, right location but is it the right price? In today’s market everyone is looking for a bargain. The difficulty in assessing the price of a small business is that there may not be a lot of ready comparisons available in the market. If you are looking to buy a business where there is a large and active market – like a newsagency, pharmacy or coffee lounge – then comparisons will be available. And, there are industry models that typically set the pricing for these types of business. However, if you are looking at a more unique business where there is not a lot of public information, the going can get tougher.

If you need an opinion on price, be careful and make sure you get the information you are really after.

When you value a small business it is not unusual for the valuation to come in under the asking price. A normal reaction to this is that the business must be overpriced. While this is sometimes true it is not automatically the case. In a perfect market, price and value are the same thing – but we don’t operate in a perfect market. As a result, this causes price to trade at either a premium or a discount to value. Over the past decade in Australia, price has traded at a premium of up to 30% on value for good quality businesses. To test the price of a business, you need to understand both its value and also any information on the price that businesses of the type you are looking at have traded for in the market.

When you ask for a valuation of a prospective business, the real question you might be seeking an answer to is should I buy this business? This is a very different question to one about valuation. Should I buy this business is about a range of both financial and non-financial indicators. It is as much about whether the business suits your lifestyle expectations and core capabilities as it is about the financial performance. If the business is a growth business and needs lots of marketing push, then it will not suit you unless you like the marketing aspect and have the time to dedicate to it. To assess all of this you need to understand the business and the business model in operation. You then need to compare the model to your expectations and also your business strengths. None of us are good at everything. You need a business that matches your strengths.

You don’t want to pay too much for the business but equally you don’t want to miss out on the right business because the asking price is a bit more than you expected or what someone has told you it’s worth. Whether or not you are prepared to pay a premium to value will depend on how much you want the business and what growth you can see in it. Good quality businesses with good growth prospects will almost always command a premium as there are always buyers for these types of businesses. Understanding the true value of a business, is understanding what it is worth now and also what value you can add to it. Once you know both these numbers you should be ready to negotiate on price.

If you are thinking about buying a business, come and speak to us before you begin negotiating a price.

More than just the sale price

If you thought reaching an agreement on price was difficult, wait until you get to the fine details of buying or selling a business.

So you’ve reached an agreement on price. But, there are differences between the parties on how the sale price should be apportioned across different assets. A solution that’s sometimes proposed is to simply show the sale price on the contract and let both sides manage their own apportionment but this depends on what assets you are buying. Try and avoid this trap.

In a typical business you might be buying plant and equipment, goodwill and stock. These assets will have different tax treatments and this is why there are differences between the way a vendor and buyer wish to allocate the price.

The goodwill is a capital asset. The vendor will calculate a capital gain or loss on the sale of the business. Even with a capital gain they may be able to reduce the tax to nil using the CGT small business concessions. For the purchaser, there is no tax deduction on the purchase of goodwill; it becomes a capital asset and a tax offset will only be available if and when the business is later disposed of.

The plant and equipment is also a capital asset. The vendor will account for their tax position on these assets based on their written down value. Where the assets have been substantially depreciated there will be more of an income adjustment. For the purchaser, the plant is normally a depreciable asset and will be written off over its effective life. So, you get a tax writeoff but it takes time.

The stock is on revenue account. For the vendor, they will account for the stock in their assessable income in the year of sale. For the purchaser, the stock is deductible as it is sold. With this mix the tendency is for vendors to want to push more of the sale price into the goodwill as it will create a better tax outcome for them. Purchasers will want to take full value in the stock and plant as this will give a faster tax write-off. For the purchaser, this may be about timing of the tax benefit; over time it may equalise, although there are circumstances where tax benefits can be lost.

Try to avoid the position where the contract is silent on the apportionment of the price and both parties make up their own minds. The Tax Office has a strong data matching capability and where they detect a difference between how the price was accounted for by the parties this is likely to trigger further investigation. The price should be apportioned on a fair market value basis and the ATO does have the power to allocate price where they believe there has been an artificial apportionment to achieve a tax benefit.

While they can do this even where the contract shows the apportionment, they are less likely to take this step where the parties are dealing at arms-length.

So, it’s worth working through an agreement on price. It could save some later tax headaches.

How to sell your business

We’re often asked the best way to sell a business.

There are two key components at play in the sale of a business: structuring the transaction; and, positioning the business to the market. Both elements are important and can significantly impact your result.

Structuring the transaction covers things such as pricing the business, the terms and conditions attaching to the sale, key terms in the contract, and ensuring the transaction structure is as tax effective as possible. Much of the structuring is about ensuring the vendors secure the most efficient and effective outcome from the sale. It is about maximising vendor position.

Positioning the business for sale is all about ensuring that you achieve a sale and that you maximise your price. It covers areas such as ensuring there are no hurdles within the business that will limit its saleability, identifying the competitive position of the business within its market segment, ensuring that operating performance is as good as it can be, and that the business benchmarks well in its market. Positioning also includes identifying the best time to take the business to the market, how to take it to the market and who the most likely buyers will be.

Positioning is about doing everything needed to maximise the probability of a sale occurring whereas structuring is about getting the best outcome from a transaction once it has occurred. A lot of people make the mistake of spending most of their energy on the structuring of the transaction. It is important but it only becomes important if the sale is achieved.

Discuss structuring first with your advisers to help identify any key decisions that need to be made but put most of your effort into positioning the business.

To do this you need to get an objective assessment of how the business compares in its market, its competitive position, and what if any impediments to sale exist – all the things a buyer will look at and look for when they assess your business. Most buyers believe that we are currently in a buyer’s market and will try to drive down price expectations. Whether or not you are in a buyer’s market depends on your industry segment but regardless of this, you are in a competitive market. Buyers may be comparing your business with similar businesses but also opportunities in other industry segments. Securing a sale at the best possible price is about having your business positioned for sale. Preparation time is needed to achieve this so talk to your advisers well in advance of putting your business on the market.

Thinking of selling your business? Talk to us today about how to achieve the best possible outcome.

The material and contents provided in this publication are informative in nature only. It is not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained.

[ Quote ] “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” NIDO QUBEIN


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